

Born in 300 BC Maharishi Charaka was one of the principal contributors to the ancient art and science of Ayurveda, a system of medicine and lifestyle developed in Ancient India. Maharishi Charaka has been crowned as the “Father of Medicine”.

Maharishi Sushruta was a physician in ancient INDIA known today as the “Father of Plastic Surgery” for inventing and developing surgical procedures.

What is Ayurveda?

A practice of medicine 3000 years old that is still intact. Ayurveda is an ancient science that is not limited to just drugs, but offers a full scope of balancing the body and the mind. Ayur = life and Veda = knowledge. The word literally means the knowledge of life, the essential insight needed to lead a completely healthy lifestyle. According to Ayurveda, health is not just the absence of symptoms, it is in fact, the presence of a balanced body, mind, and spirit. It is the art of life with which one can learn to eradicate all problems and be a fulfilled being.

Ayurveda is based on the fact that all creation is composed of a mixture and combination of 5 elements:

Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth. 

आकाश , वायु , अग्नि , जल, पृथ्वी |

Each iota of the world has these elements to bring it into existence. They are seen throughout the entire world, from the smallest to the largest of the substances.

Ayurveda is the knowledge of life that consists of the secret of balancing the imbalanced elements. A combination of two of each element makes a Dosha, for example: Vata dosha is composed of Ether and Air elements, Pitta dosha has Fire and Water elements, and Kapha dosha contains Earth and Water elements. Therefore, the balanced state of these elements is the foundation of a healthy individual. According to the Sushruta Samhita – one of the main Ayurvedic texts:

Sama dosha sama agnischa sama dhatu mala kriyaaha

Prasanna atma  indriya manaha swastha iti abhidheeyate” – Sushruta Samhita

A balanced state of elements (Doshas), the digestive fire (अग्नि), tissues (Dhatus), waste products (Mala) along with a content spirit, satisfied senses, and satiated mind is known as wholesome health.

An Ayurveda practitioner successfully brings the above-required balances into each patient’s life in order to achieve complete wellness.

In the Western World, The Ayurveda is considered a form of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).


A unique theory in Ayurveda is the dosha theory. Five elements (Panchamahabhootas) combine to form 3 doshas that are responsible for human physiology. This conceptual tool is the means to detect the earliest stages of diseases by an Ayurvedic physician. In fact, an expert practitioner can detect an onset of a disease long before the symptoms start to appear. The three doshas are:


The principle governing al motion or movement. Made up of air (वायु) and Ether (आकाश), with the characteristics of dry, light, cold, quick, rough, minute, and mobile, Vata dosha controls all space and movement-related aspects.


Controls all transforming processes. It is made up of Fire (अग्नि ), and Water (जल) Mahabhootas and characterized by qualities of fire – hot, sharp, penetrating, light, acidic, burning, and slightly oily.


Responsible for cohesion, growth, and liquefaction. Water (जल) and Earth (पृथ्वी) elements provided structure and solidity to the body, therefore, Kapha dosha primarily reflects the qualities of water and traits of the earth – heavy, slow, cold, steady, solid, oily, and retainable.

Human life is only possible with the above three processes.


Explore the unlimited treatments Ayurveda offers. Each prescription is customized to tackle the individual body and its respective ailments. A variety of herbs are used depending on the dosha imbalance and the “Prakriti” of each client. Ancient techniques mentioned in the Vedas (The oldest manuscript available to man) are practiced closely following the original guidelines. Time-old and time tested procedures still hold validity even to modern-day problems. Diseases from a wide spectrum are treated uprooting the very cause of the problem and maintaining health thereafter.